Friday, January 6, 2012

Wedding Shape - Week in Review - 1.6.12

The scale is very confusing... One day I'm 299, next I'm 287 then back to 295, then 287 again... Well, till it tells me 260 or less, must keep going.

So Far So Good

Breakfast - Home made hash brown (From left over mashed tatoes) with Bell pepper and union mixed in, Sausage, Spinach scramble
Lunch - Nutella and Jam Sammy on Flax Seed bread
Dinner - Rosemary Chicken stuffed with Pancetta, Spinach and Green Onion with a green bean mushroom mix on the side

Workout - 5x5 Turkish Get-ups
Front Squat reps with 10 body rows (br) between each set
10 body row 9 br 8 br 7 br 8 br ... 3 br 2 br 1 br

took me 15 minutes, gotta fix that

Breakfast - Scramble with Bell Pepper, Onion and Spinach (dash of hot sauce whipped in the eggs) with Bacon on the side.
Lunch - Spinach Salad with Cheddar Cheese, Pepperchini strings, Sunflower seeds, Turkey, and peperoni with balsamic vinaigrette
Dinner - Turkey Sloppy Joe with Broccoli on the side 

Workout -Warm up Dead lift
WoD - 3 Bdays
23 Deadlifts
27 Burpees
28 Double Unders
4 ROUNDS ... F M L... took me 32 min, gotta get better

Breakfast - Scramble with Turkey crumbles, Spinach, Onion and Cheddar
Lunch - Spinach Salad with sunflower seeds, salami, and Balsamic with a small side of mashed tatoes
Dinner - Taco Cups - Sara tried an interesting recipe that involved forming tortillas into cups in a cupcake sheet, only one came out like a cup haha... nice try and it was tasty... Taco Cup Recipe.


Breakfast - Omelet with Spinach, Scallions, and Mushrooms Dash of hot sauce in the eggs with pork sausage and mango on the side
Lunch - Little Sammich
Dinner - Salmon with Some Spicy spices on it baked with a Couscous salad (cucumber and carrot mixed)

Workout - 4 x 2 Cleans, 50% 60% 70% 80% - Last set was 275lbs

5 "Clusters" with 135lbs - Full clean with Press
10 Pull ups
5 Rounds - Finished in 9:56, not to bad

Breakfast - La Vic... Ya it felt like a cheat day to me
Lunch - Qasadilla with Turkey Spinach and Pepper Jack Cheese
Dinner -Cheese and Spinach/Bell Pepper Stuffed Steak with Green Bean and Mushooms on the side

Workout - FAIL (got bad news in regards to my candidacy for a cool job)


Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wedding Shape - It Begins NOW 1.2.12

My Current Attributes are:

Weight: 292
Goal: 255
Goal: 34"
Hips: 46"
Goal: 42"

My Workout Plan:
Crossfit at minimum 5 times a week (I want to try to double some days)
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat
Stair Runs at minimum 2 times a week (5 flights increasing the amount of time every 4 runs)

Diet Plan:
No bread Carbs for the first 2 months
Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, healthy desert
Highest Calories will be Breakfast and Dinner
Snacks will be a good size
Lunch will be a recharge if anything with great toppings

Eating Breakfast is a MUST and will be the hardest. I need to get back to those days where I was waking up at 6 a.m. naturally.

Disclaimer: Photos below may not be suitable for for all eyes... jk haha

My New Year Non-Resolutions

I've decided it is finally time to get a new start. No I am not setting New Years resolutions cause that always fails. I am going to set up New Years Goals to achieve and a number of them so that I am continuously working towards something. I will blog about it all and post updates about them, lots of variety so there may be something of interest for just about everyone.

1. Get into Wedding Shape
    1a- I currently weigh from 294 to 298 lbs, I want to be in the range of 250 - 260 lbs before my Wedding
    1b- This will include keeping track of my food intake and exercise schedule and achievments

2. Successfully launch my Start-up in March and hit Milestones set throughout the year
    2a- will be available to all in March of 2012
    2b- You will see a Socialbuckit facebook page in time, please "like" it and follow the Twitter and Blog accounts, we will nee all the help we can get

3. Finish my Poker table that has been just wood for about 2.5 years now. This will be a foldable, Main Event style table with Suede armrest and Suited Speed Clothe surface.
   3a- This will also include host as many poker cash games and tourneys throughout the year.

4. Create at least 3 original Dubstep mixes throughout the year
   4a- COD Dubstep
   4b- Dispicable Me "Bad Bad Day" Dubstep
   4c- Judas Kiss by Metallica Dubstep

If I think of anymore, I will add to the list, but for now, this will keep me busy. Stay tuned for more updates, I will post pictures of the starting points in the next 2 weeks.